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Amazonas is the largest state in Brazil, covering a vast portion of the Amazon rainforest and named after the famous Amazon River. With Manaus as its capital city, Amazonas is a region of breathtaking natural beauty and ecological significance. The state is renowned for its lush and pristine rainforests, which are home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna, including iconic species like jaguars, sloths, and pink river dolphins. The Amazon River and its tributaries flow through Amazonas, offering opportunities for boat tours, wildlife watching, and exploration of the unique ecosystems that thrive in this biodiverse paradise.

Manaus (Is capital) is not only a gateway to the Amazon rainforest but also an important industrial and economic hub in the Amazonas state and Brazil. The city is home to the Manaus Free Trade Zone (Zona Franca de Manaus), which was established in the 1960s to stimulate economic development in the region. This free trade zone offers significant tax incentives to companies operating within its boundaries, attracting a range of industrial and manufacturing businesses. Many national and international companies have established operations in Manaus to take advantage of the tax benefits, which has led to the growth of a robust industrial sector.

The state also holds cultural significance, with a rich history shaped by indigenous peoples, rubber boom cycles, and colonial influences. Indigenous communities in Amazonas continue to preserve their traditions and contribute to the state’s diverse cultural landscape. The city of Manaus is a notable cultural hub, known for its striking architecture, such as the Amazon Theatre, and vibrant festivals, including the Boi-Bumbá celebration. Amazonas is a destination for ecotourism and adventure, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the wonders of the Amazon rainforest while experiencing the cultural richness of the region.

A. Eloi

I'm a mixture of Things, Thoughts, Dreams, Smells, Tastes and Flavour, Roads and Curves, Trails and Paths. Read more...

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